Youth Risk Behavior Survey
CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey for High School Students
Our comprehensive high schools are participating in the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Youth Risk Behavior Survey during the fall of 2021. The survey will be given to a sampling of high school classes selected by the CDC.
The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) monitors six categories of health-related behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death and disability among youth and adults, including—
- Behaviors that contribute to unintentional injuries and violence
- Sexual behaviors related to unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection
- Alcohol and other drug use
- Tobacco use
- Unhealthy dietary behaviors
- Inadequate physical activity
YRBSS also measures the prevalence of obesity and asthma and other health-related behaviors plus sexual identity and sex of sexual contacts. YRBSS is a system of surveys. It includes 1) a national school-based survey conducted by CDC and state, territorial, tribal, and 2) local surveys conducted by state, territorial, and local education and health agencies and tribal governments.
Purpose of this Survey
What are the purposes of the YRBSS?
The YRBSS was designed to
- Determine the prevalence of health behaviors.
- Assess whether health behaviors increase, decrease, or stay the same over time.
- Examine the co-occurrence of health behaviors.
- Provide comparable national, state, territorial and freely associated state, tribal, and local data.
- Provide comparable data among sub populations of youth.
- Monitor progress toward achieving the Healthy People objectives and other program indicators.
Participation in the survey is voluntary and the students’ answers are anonymous. Parents/guardians are notified about the survey and given the option to withdraw their student from participation.
Parent and Student Notification Letter
Please click the appropriate language below to read the parent and student notification letter about the Youth Risk Behavior Survey.
More information about the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBSS).
For more information about the Washington State Healthy Youth Survey, please visit the Healthy Youth Survey website.
Survey Data Report
Several months after the surveys are completed, the CDC send Seattle Public Schools data reports.
2018 SPS Youth Risk Behavior Survey data report
Contact Us
Please contact Lisa Love with additional questions.